photo is IP of John Krasinski, created by his daughters
  1. Episode One
    1. Thanking to essential workers
    2. Cute-ness in quarantine
    3. 15th anniversary of The Office – interview with Steve Carell
    4. Interview with Coco, John’s hero, after her Chemotherapy ends
  2. Episode Two
    1. SGN spin-offs
    2. Supplies to health care workers
    3. Communities supporting their own
    4. “Nice Job, Parents”
    5. Robert DeNiro with the weather
    6. ‘What did I miss’
    7. Original cast of Hamilton sings opening number to 9yo old fan
  3. Episode Three
    1. Fan art
    2. Covid patients recovering
    3. Weird/wonderful isolation
    4. Home sports
    5. Baseball and Beth Israel Deaconess COVID-19 unit
    6. AT&T First Net
  4. Episode Four
    1. Multiple kinds of heroes
    2. Creative Neighbors
    3. SGN from ISS (International Space Station)
    4. Brad Pitt with the weather
    5. ‘What did I miss’ – prom
    6. John Krasinski hosted virtual prom for class of 2020
  5. Episode Five
    1. Craft art
    2. Food industry helping and getting help (heroes)
    3. Taxi driver gave free daily rides to/from the hospital
    4. Upstate NY girl announcing she’s beating cancer
    5. Boston Marathon runner handling the cancellation
    6. NJ family spa day
    7. Kansas City tailgating
    8. Lancashire, England widower
    9. All dressed up with nowhere to go
    10. SGN potluck
  6. Episode Six
    1. SGN notes from the internet
    2. Caleb’s birthday parade
    3. Captain Tom Moore’s 100th birthday
    4. Family Olympics
    5. Shouting compliments
    6. Watertown, MA husband visits wife outside third window
    7. FDNY gratitude
    8. SGN action figure
    9. Ryan Reynolds with the weather
    10. Graduation ceremonies / commencement conversation
  7. Episode Seven
    1. People rallying and taking quarantine into their own hands
    2. Home Olympics
    3. Home theatre
    4. Emerson’s letters to loved ones
    5. Emma Stone with the weather
    6. Love in the time of Corona
    7. NJ The Office proposal replica & their wedding
  8. Episode Eight
    1. SGN fan art / merch
    2. Hospital hope, including California’s patient zero
    3. Getting back up after falling down
    4. Raining hope/scholarships
    5. Family’s first real hug in weeks
    6. SGN with different anchors
      1. Boston, MA girl plays board game with her pet
      2. Marshmallow sling shot
      3. Entertaining a baby
      4. USPS on Tik Tok
      5. Home Disney
      6. Sports
    7. SGN bloopers
    8. Pretty good weather
    9. What the show has meant (with highlight reel)
  9. Holiday Special
    1. Fan art
    2. The lightning round
    3. Cancer patient wedding
    4. DQ pay-it-forward marathon
    5. FL utility bills
    6. Homeless apartment
    7. Vaccine
    8. George Clooney with the weather
    9. Parents that rock
    10. Dwanta Claus

Hi, I’m Amber

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